There are many compelling reasons to install a Milestone Outdoor LED Message Sign at your School
First appearances count. Which is why keeping a school’s image on the leading edge is a top priority for progressive Principals. With a Milestone Outdoor LED School Message Sign you can modernise your school’s image, eliminate the time drain of manually updating an old sign and reduce the OHS risks of having a staff member up a ladder on a regular basis.
Milestone Outdoor School LED Message Signs are:-
- Eye catching and engaging
- Highly visible over long distances day and night
- Quick and easy to change, saving you time.
- Extremely flexible
- Easy to maintain
- Minimise OH&S risk for staff and students
- Save time finding and changing manual letter signs
Why buy from us?
- No technical knowledge required on your part – we look after everything
- Our signs use the entire LED surface area – you are not restricted a set number of lines of text
- Full colour, high quality LED’s
- 6000 levels of grey scale providing the best resolution and readability
- Display text, pictures and video
- Easy to use. Have multiple zones and overlays within the same screen
- Advanced scheduling allows you to schedule content months in advance
- Trouble free installation service
- No ongoing fees or charges
- Fully integrated to the DET/DEC network. Where required standalone or cloud based
- Proven reliability, support and ongoing service
- Specialists in regional and remote installations
- Free onsite quotes